In sports there is a significant
amount of difference in the average performance of men and women, in same
sport. As men have natural advantage in terms of muscles, height, stamina,
etc. For example, Marathon, world record for men is 2:03:38, set by Patrick Makau
of Kenya on September 25, 2011 at the Berlin Marathon.The world record for
women is currently 2:15:25, set by Paula Radcliffe of the United Kingdom on
April 13, 2003 at the London Marathon. [Difference
– 11 Minutes 47 Seconds]. Long Jump Men’s World Record [8.95 Meters], Long Jump
Women’s World Record [7.52 Meters], and difference [1.43 Meters]. One more
interesting fact is that when we take the average performance in many sports by
males and females the difference increases significantly than the world record
figures. However, I think that there are many skill based sports where men
and women have equivalent chance like Chess, Badminton, Billiards and Golf etc.
Mixed doubles is played with one man and one woman
per team. It is one of the formats in Tennis and Badminton. Mixed Doubles (Tennis) is now part of Olympics
I believe that Women Pro Wrestling should get more
spotlight as all over the world many amazing women performers are working for
different wrestling companies. Major wrestling promotions can introduce a
“Mixed-Tag Team Championship” as there are many underrated, underutilized
wrestlers who never get what they deserve due to the huge size of roster and
long, footage consuming and often boring storylines between/among the main
event people.
As Vince McMohan announced in late 1980s and shocked the
world (got mixed response from the wrestling fraternity, promotions) that Pro
wrestling is not a competitive sport and matches have predetermined
outcomes to heighten entertainment value.
The mixed tag experiments were done in the past but not properly executed and promoted, “such
matches features mixed-sex teams, but differs from an “Inter-gender match” in
that only wrestlers of the same sex may be in the ring at the same time. For
example, if a woman tags her male partner, both women leave the ring and both
men enter. This label is also used for other unusual pairings, such as a normal
sized wrestlers teaming with midgets, when the differing wrestlers are not
allowed to face one and other.”
Now, the question and challenge is how performers will convince
audience if a male and female are in ring against each other. Writers can frame
some basic rules to make such contests realistic and entertaining.
पिछले बुधवार को मेरे घनिष्ठ मित्र परेश जोकि एक बहुत अच्छे लेखक हैं और हिंदी एवं मराठी फिल्मो में अपनी कलम के जलवे दिखा चुके हैं, मेरे पास आये हुवे थे, किसी फिल्म की स्क्रिप्ट को ले कर। बात करते करते बात चल गयी बहुचर्चित FDI के बारे में। बस फिर क्या था? हो गए 3 घंटे। सोचा के इतनी रोचक बात चीत का एक छोटा सा अंश एक पोस्ट के रूप में भी लिख दिया जाए। तो परेश ने ही ये पोस्ट लिखी जिसे मैं आप लोगो के सामने प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ।
हम भारतीयो की याददाश्त हमेशा से ही बुरी रही है, जिसका फायदा हमारे पोलिटिशियन हमेशा से ही उठाते आ रहे हैं. अगर आपके घर मैं कुछ महीनो पुराने न्यूजपेपर्स पड़े हो तो पता चलेगा की कितने सारे घोटाले एक के बाद एक आए और कितनो को हम भूल गए। वजह हैं हमारी मिडिया और आम जनता। जब भी कोई नया घोटाला या विवाद सामने आता हैं तब हम यही सोचते हैं इससे हमें क्या फर्क पडता हैं। मसलन अगर हम देखे तो (मैंने कई लोगो को यह बात करते सुना हैं) की २जी , कोमनवेल्थ या कोलगेट से हमारा क्या लेनादेना? यह भ्रष्टाचार होता रहता हैं हमें क्या !!!!! अभी रॉबर्ट वडेरा का विवाद जोरो पर चल रहा हैं (सच मैं इससे हमारा कोई लेनादेना नहीं हैं) पर क्या आपको याद हैं इस विवाद से पहेले कोनसा मुद्दा मिडिया मैं जोरो पर था और आज इसके बारे मैं कोई भी बात तक नहीं कर रहा ? यह ऐसा मुद्दा हैं जिसका हम और आपसे सीधा सरोकार हैं, यह मुद्दा हैं FDI का याने विदेशी पूंजी निवेश का।
कुछ लोग कहते हैं (सरकार मैं शामिल) के इससे हमारे अर्थतंत्र का विकास होगा और हमारे यहाँ ज्यादा नोकरियो के अवसर बढ़ेंगे, विदेशी मुद्रा आएगी तो रूपए के मूल्य मैं स्थिरता आएगी, किसानो को उनके उत्पाद की सही कीमत मिलेगी। और कुछ लोग कहते हैं (विपक्ष) जिन कंपनियों को यह विदेशी पूंजी निवेश के नाम पर आमंत्रित किया जा रहा हैं वह कंपनिया तो अपने देश मैं ही सही तरीके से चल नहीं रही, किसानो को लुट लेंगी, और छोटे किराना व्यापारी खत्म हो जाएँगे।
मैं कोई अर्थशास्त्री या दूरद्रष्टि रखने वाला राजनीतिज्ञ नहीं हू के यह सभी मुद्दे किस हद तक सही या गलत हैं उस का फैसला करू। मैं तो बस एक आम भारतीय की तरह सोचना चाहता हु तो मुझे यही दिखाई देता हैं की इन सभी मुद्दों मैं आम आदमी के बारे मैं कोई भी सोच नहीं रहा। कोई किसान तो कोई किराना व्यापारी तो कुछ लोग विदेशी निवेशको के बारे मैं सोच रहे है। पर हम आम भारतीयों का क्या?
बात करते हैं छोटे किराना व्यापारियो के बारे में तो क्या उन किरना व्यापारियोने सचमे कभी हमारे बारे मैं सोचा हैं? कई सालो से कई (सारे नहीं) दुकानदार और सब्जीवालो ने हमारे साथ क्वालिटी और क्वांटिटी के मामले मैं धोखा किया है और करते आ रहे हैं। मेरे एक मित्र के साथ हुए वाकये को अगर कुछ शब्दों मैं बताऊ तो वह कुछ यु था “वह एक दिन कोई आटा लेने एक दुकान मैं गया, जहाँ दुकानदार अपने कुछ हिसाब के काम मैं मशगुल था। मेरे मित्र के मांगने पर उसने चिल्लाकर अपने नोकर को वह आटा लाने कहा। आटे की कीमत ५० रुपये थी और मेरे मित्र ने १०० रुपये का नोट दूकानदार को दिया। अपने किसी काम मैं मशगुल दुकानदार ने ५० रुपये वापस करने के बजाय गलती से ४५० रुपये मेरे मित्र को दे दिए। मेरा मित्र इमानदार किस्म का इंसान है, तो उसने दूकानदार को ४०० रुपये वापस करते हुए कहा की गलती से आपने ज्यादा रुपये दे दिए हैं। दुकानदार ने शुक्रिया अदा किया और फिर अपने काम मैं मशगुल हो गया। मेरा मित्र आटा लेकर घर आ गया। जब माँ ने आटे की थेली खोली तो वह उस में कीड़े पड़े हुए थे। मेरा मित्र तुरंत ही आटा बदलवाने दुकान वापस गया तो दूकानदार ने आटा बदलने से मन करा दिया और कहा आपको देखकर लेना चाहिए था। हमारे यहाँ ऐसा आटा मिलाता ही नहीं आपसे ही कुछ गलती हुई होगी। कही रख दिया होगा और न जाने क्या क्या बहाने बताए पर आटा बदलके नहीं नहीं दिया”. यह वाकया हम जैसे कई सारे लोगो के साथ हुआ होगा। हमने सालो से देखा हैं की जब भी त्यौहार का मोसम आता हैं तब बाजार से अचानक शक्कर गायब हो जाती हैं। अगर फिर भी खरीदने जाओ तो कम स्टोक का बहाना बताकर दुकानदार आपसे मुह मांगी रकम वसूल करता हैं। खुला तेल खरीदने वाले आम गरीब ग्राहक को सिंग तेल के नाम पर पामतेल बेचा जाता हैं। मसालों मैं रंग और मिटटी की मिलावट तो आम बात हैं। मेरे घर के बगलवाले दूकानदार को तो मेने मिर्च पाउडर मैं नमक मिलाते देखा हैं। मसलन एक किलो मिर्च पाउडर मैं एक किलो नमक मिक्स करा रहा था।
अबतक खुले कई बड़े डिपार्टमेंटल स्टोर भी कुछ दूध के धुले नहीं हैं। एक साधारण नियम हैं के एक्सपायर्ड हुइ चीजों को कम्पनी बदल देती हैं और उन्हें बेचा नहीं जा सकता। पर कई डिपार्टमेंटल स्टोर एक्सपायर्ड चीजों पर नए कम कीमत का लेबल लगाकर बेचते हैं (यह भी मेने खुद देखा हैं).
अभी कुछ दिन पहले मैंने कहीं पढ़ा था की वोल्मार्ट अपने कर्मचारियो से ठीक से बरताव नहीं कर रहा और तनख्वाह भी सही वक्त पर नहीं दे रहा। अब यह बात कितनी सच हैं और कितनी झूठ यह तो वह काम करनेवाला ही बता सकता हैं, पर क्या आपने कभी यहाँ ध्यान दिया हैं के हमारे आसपास के कई किराना की दूकानो पर मालिक अपने यहाँ काम कर रहे कर्मचारियों से किस तरह का बरताव करता हैं? छोटे छोटे गाँव से आये वह कर्मचारी सुबह शटर खुलने से लेकर रात को शटर बंद होने तक काम करते रहते हैं। मालिक की गालिया खाते हैं वह अलग और उन्हें तनख्वाह कितनी मिलाती है? यह सब जानने के बाद हम किस मुंह से वोल्मार्ट या किसी अन्य विदेशी कंपनी के बारे मैं टिपण्णी कर सकते हैं?
अभी फिलहाल तो मैं देसी दुकानदारों के सामने लाचार हू। पर सभी खराब नहीं होते। मेरी बस सरकार और विपक्ष से यही विनंती हैं के यह ग्राहक को तय करने दो की हमें कहा से खरीददारी करनी हैं और कहाँ से नहीं।
Firstly, I know the ‘wrestling’ I am talking about is
scripted. Secondly, pro wrestling is hybrid of acting, performance and
wrestling….and only few gifted “artists” can do this. So, read on…..
Shawn Michaels
(Michael Shawn Hickenbottom)
July 22, 1965 in Chandler, Arizona,
Berkshire, England & San Antonio,
Texas, USA
Jose Lothario
1984-1998, 2000-2010
Nicknames - Heartbreak Kid, Showstopper, Headliner, The Icon, The Main Event, Sexy Boy, Mr. Wrestlemania.
Shawn is 5
feet 10 Inches (Billed 6’1” :p), he never got satisfactory grades in school and
college, his only passion was wrestling. He is a college dropout (Southwest
Texas State University). Till early
nineties average main event wrestlers were humongous, complimented by
steroids. Shawn shared his ambition with
his family, obviously hard time convincing his near ones…this is the hardest
step when you want to pursue career in an unconventional field. First you have
to convince yourself and then your family that you want to live your passion….and
yes you are gambling with your future at stake.
Early Career & Struggle
Then Shawn
met many agents, promoters, bookers and send his tapes to many others. Got
ordinary response because of his normal build, for quite some time and finally began
his career with American Wrestling
Association (AWA) and Universal Wrestling Federation (UWF), 1984. He competed
as a jobber in singles but the Tag Team Divisions in couple of promotions
provided some scope, he formed 2 tag teams in separate promotions American Breed/American Force (with Paul
Doamond) [TASW] and The Midnight Rockers (with Marty Jannetty) [CSW, AWA]. Won
tag team titles in CSW and AWA.
The Midnight
Rockers were popular in children and ladies soon received contract from WWF and
now renamed “The Rockers” performed there from 1988-1991. Although, they were
popular (Declared Tag Team of the Year
1989 by Wrestling Observer Newsletter, #33 Tag Team of PWI Year by Pro
Wrestling Illustrated, 2003) and fan favorites but at that time many
wrestlers refused to “job” for them because of their size. They often lost and
despite being one of the top tag teams for long time in WWF they never won the
titles. Once, they won against Hart Foundation but due to change in contract
and script the match was never televised citing the breaking of top rope as not
counting the match as legitimate.
Trendy Baba Faltu Trivia : In a song of (then Hit bollywood movie)
“Waqt Humara Hai” (Sunil Shetty and Akshay Kumar dressed as and even dancing
like The Rockers).
Singles Career
Finally, his
wrestlingcapability overshadowed
his build. He started his singles career as cocky, self obsessed “The
Heartbreak Kid” (midcard). The top level-main event and mid card WWF roster was
very dense because of the collapse of many regional and national promotions
like WCCW, but after few months Michaels won the Intercontinental Championship
and had a great feud with his ex-tag team partner Marty Jannetty, (Won Match of the Year, 1993 by PWI).
He competed
in classic Ladder Match at Wrestlemania X (1994) against Razor Ramon for
Intercontinental Championship again winning the Match of the Year Award. As a
face he won 2 Royal Rumbles (1995, 1996…later giving him title shot against WWF
Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart). He won
WWE Championship at Wrestlemania XII in an epic ‘overtime’ sixty minute Iron
Man Match.
incidents The MSG Curtain Call Incident (where the wrestlers broke the fourth
wall) and the Montreal Screwjob are also inseparable part of Shawn Michaels
Affiliates : The Kliq group, DX, The
Corporation, NWO.
He suffered
back injury during a Casket Match against Undertaker which forced him to retire
and take non-wrestling roles (1998-2000). Then made his
comeback to active wrestling in 2002 and soon won WWE Heavyweight Championship,
though, he was a transitional champion. Since then he promoted talented
mid-card wrestlers until his retirement in 2010.
What Makes Shawn
Michaels Great?
1)- Return:
Nobody in the history of wrestling returned to the same
level, with same athleticism, reflexes and stamina after the kind of injuries HBK
sustained. Michaels competed in hundreds of matches and made regular
appearances on RAW from 2002 to 2010.
P.S. – He completed
a 20 Minute main event of Wrestlemania XIV (1998) with severely injured back and helped
a lot pushing Steve Austin.
2) – Titles after Return:
HBK became
transitional Heavyweight Champion just after his return in the first ever Elimination
Chamber Match. After that WWE management tried to make him solo IC, WWE,
American, Champion on several occasions but Michaels refused and backed young talents
even losing to them in the initial phase of their mainstream career (in #1
contender matches, tournaments, even PPVs, etc) for their push (Randy Orton,
Carlito, Chris Masters, Jonathan Coachman, Spirit Squad, Edge, Daivari, Abdullah,
etc). He held few tag team titles for developing stories, feuds.
Around the
same time few talented wrestlers like Edge surpassed the number of title reigns
by HBK within 3-4 years but still……even if he defeated such wrestlers they were
obviously non-title matches. His excellent win-loss record dropped below 70%
due to him working for other wrestlers.
3) – Trainer and Mentor:
During his
first retirement HBK opened Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy (now Texas
Wrestling Academy) training many young wrestlers as HBK thought his career was
over. Popular wrestlers among them are –
*) – Paul London
*) – Daniel Brian
*) – Lance Cade
*) – Matt Bentley
(Michael Shane)
*) –
Veronica Stevens
4) – Charismatic & Inspiring
WWE.COM : "Ask
any Superstar on the WWE roster who the most gifted sports-entertainer of all
time is and nearly everyone will have the same answer — Shawn Michaels."
HBK is
favorite wrestler and one of the idols of Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Chris
Masters, C.M. Punk, Hardcore Holly, Cody Hall, The Undertaker, Steve Austin and
many more. Many wrestlers (with a good number of women wrestlers) quoted : “I started
wrestling because of Shawn Michaels.”
5) – Promos:
One of the
best wrestlers when it comes to cutting promos. Serious and giving a message as
a Face, Comical, Mocking (DX), Villainous-Heel (after split of The Rockers,
after Montreal Screwjob, and as a part of Attitude era Corporation’s
Commissioner, etc making him most hated as character and person within a
month). He is still hated in Canada.
6) – Storytelling:
Involved in
multiple memorable months-long feuds right from the beginning of his career. Like
for example, a face against jealous Kurt Angle (who won Atlanta Olympics Gold
in 1996 but HBK got all the limelight as he won the WWE Championship around the
same time). After promo HBK continues the story in match, he is defeated in WM
match but he wins the re-match and story goes on for another N/C Iron Man Match
for next PPV. That’s why HBK won :
*) – WWE Slammy Award (Record 11
times again).
*) – 3 Feud of the Year Awards by PWI
& Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards.
7) – Match Quality & Duartion
*) – PWI Match of the Year Award
(Record 11 Times, consecutive 7 times from 2004 to 2010).
*) – 6 Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Awards for his Matches.
HBK is one
of the best in art of selling. He makes his opponent look good and had some
great matches against wrestlers with limited move-sets like Khali or non-wrestlers
like Vince, Jonathon Coachman, Shane Macmohan. The average duration of match is
also very high. His stamina..... its like he can perform non-stop high flying action with technical wrestling for days.
Jannetty says – “Irrespective of the outcome people remember one thing…..Shawn
Michaels was in the match.”
*Must Watch* the Fans reactions on every move of wrestlemania 25 Match (HBK vs. The Undertaker)
8) - Trendsetter
HBK was part
of first match of following major televised innovative match types introduced in recent years
*) – Ladder Match
*) – Iron Man Match
*) – Hell in a Cell Match
*) – Elimination Chamber Match
Let me tell
you one thing, it’s very difficult to make something memorable when there are no
prior standards, example set. You can complete formality as a senior
wrestler and just give an appearance or you can moonsault, frog splash, fall
from the Cell’s top, unexpected "flying" entrance, become a crimson mask in your very first match after 4
years, etc. HBK nailed every new match type and created few benchmarks for
others. He started the attitude era with DX and played a significant role in
building the stardom of Steve Austin. Also adapted to PG Era in his own style
with couple of heel turns.
Officially rated #1 of top 50
Superstar all time (2011) by WWE.
9) – Actor
I think HBK
is one of the gifted actors. There is some voice issue but other than that he
is amazing. I remember him imitating Hulk Hogan *ROFL*, DX
stunts, Interviews. Imitated Macmohans and others.
Appeared in few episodes of these TV series - South Beach,
Baywatch, Pacific Blue. Presently, he is hosting Macmillan River Adventures (now soon in
its second season) I seriously think in his prime he could have done few
blockbuster movies. Even now he can play a character actor or a multistar movie
hero. He sang his theme maybe once in a while....
"You don't even know enough to know,that you don't know.... you know !"
10) – Loyal:
Appeared in
the very first RAW, Shawn Michaels is the second superstar after The Undertaker
in terms of number of years with WWE as an active wrestler (1988-2010) with a
gap of 4 years but was active in non-wrestling roles and now works as an
ambassador for WWE. Like others he also got an offer from WCW in 1990s.....we can only imagine....
10) – Role Model:
He is a born again Christian and a Bible Teacher at a San
Antonio Church. Since his return (2002), he refrains from smoking, drinking alcohol.
He motivates viewers through his speeches and online messages, is into charity
and a true family man.
Notes for Critics -
*) – Shawn was average Draw for WWE
during his Push.
Nope! If we
calculate his WWE Championship reign and his actual dominance its 1996-1998, cut
short by his injury, that too shared with Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Sid, Steve
Austin, British Bulldog, etc. It is a coincidence that WCW was strongest during
this time and it was trying new, unique things and buying top stars like
anything….so for few years WCW got attention and even surpassed WWE for many
weeks in Nielsen ratings (Monday Night Wars). This divided the target audience.
He won his
first WWE Championship at almost 31 years. ("The Boyhood Dream for Shawn Michaels has come true!") There are so many independent
promotions that till the time you reach thirties….you have so many
championships, palmares but as I mentioned Shawn’s youth was an era of 6 feet 5
Inches Steroid backed musclemen reducing the number of pushes he got in the
singles division till 1996. His actual push in WWE was limited to less than 18
months in total. Compare with today’s Sheamus, Punk, Cena, etc.
He did so
much in rest of the 20 years of his active wrestling career. Careers of
wrestlers are never dependent on one promotion that too within the window of 2-3
years of Shawn’s mainstream appearances. Bret Hart was already established main
event wrestler. Honestly, Bret was also responsible for Montreal Screwjob, he
refused to drop his title to HBK and was going to WCW, Vince only worked
according to the probability and consequences of Bret showing WWE belt on WCW
(it was a gamble). Whatever happened in past, at that moment you were
unprofessional given you were at the top in 2 companies. Everybody is into politics....those who succeed are always blamed.
*) – Drugs, Steroids and Violence?
Yes! 2
decades ago. Look at few of his close friends then like Razor Ramon, Chyna….and
even others, you know what I mean...
"I am going to give you a show that you have never ever seen before why?...... because I can !"
The Ex-CEO of Sun TV and Sun pictures, Hansraj Saxena, popularly known as “Sax”, is planning to make a movie under his own banner with India’s biggest Super Star Rajinikanth. He has offered Rs. 240 crores to Rajinikanth as a remuneration amount and asked for a 30 days package for his Tamil film. Now, this means Rs. 8 crores per day!! If the deal goes through, Rajinikanth will be set in the league of A-list Hollywood actors, keeping B-Town stars like Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan and Aamir Khanfar behind.
Reportedly Rajinikanth is taking time to think about this project. This film will also feature Telugu Cinema’s young star Ram Charan Teja. Having Ram Charan will reduce the risk involved in marketing and will also help to recover the cost of such a mammoth film.
It has to be recalled that Rajini’s Enthiran was made of Rs 130 crores in which he got approx. Rs. 35-40 crores as a salary and it did very very good business worldwide. Sax was supposed to be the brain behind Enthiran's business. If things work lucky, Hansraj said that the makers are confident to do roaring business that would exceed Enthiran’s figures.
Though no official confirmation is available at this moment on this project, sources say the same is under discussion between both the parties. But, no doubt, only a superstar like Rajinikanth can command such a huge amount and still have a queue of producers outside his home. :)
1. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan charges approx. Rs. 20 cr. per movie.
2. Leonardo DiCaprio was paid $59 million for “Inception” = 324.5 cr. Approx.
3. Johnny Depp was paid $40 million for “Alice in Wonderland” = 220 cr. Approx.
4. Will Smith was paid $20 million for “Men in Black III” = 110 cr. Approx.
5. Vin Diesel was paid $15 million for “Fast Five” = 82.5 cr. Approx.
6. Robert Downey Jr. was paid $12 million for “Iron Man 2” = 66 cr. Approx.
7. Nicolas Cage was paid $7.5 million for “Ghost Rider 2” = 41.25 cr. Approx.
8. Daniel Craig was paid $6 million for “Cowboys & Aliens” = 33 cr. Approx.